How good were McLuhan’s ideas for Mass communication? Does it apply today?

Dianne Waller
2 min readOct 27, 2021


Discussing Marshall McLuhan’s ideas

Society is changed by the dominant way in which messages are communicated” (Rosenberg & Vicker, 2017)

There are many communication theories circulating since their invention, and most are still applicable. Let’s talk about Marshall McLuhan and his ideas. He was an English and Grammar teacher, as young college student himself, just a few years prior. He already made several contributions to the field of mass communication. McLuhan suggested that technologies of mass media and culture transmission may also change a man’s social behavior.

Media effects that permeate society and culture, but McLuhan’s starting point is always the “individual, because he defines media as technological extensions of the body. (Gordon July 2002).

Even though I find a few of his ideas misleading, His theories are still applied in today’s society and the use of mass communication via the internet and social media via Technological Determinism. This theory suggests, “whom or what could have a controlling power in human affairs,”and questions the degree to which human thought or action is influenced by technological factors.” The tools we use shape us, so the overuse and misuse of certain platforms will, absolutely affect us and future generations to come.


Rosenberry, J., & Vicker, L.A. (2017). Applied mass communication theory: a guide for media practitioners. Routledge.

Terrence Gordon (July 2002)

